St Sebastian
£878.00 GBP
Saint John the Evangelist on Patmos
£878.00 GBP
Saint Justa and Saint Rufina
£878.00 GBP
Saint Jerome Reading
£878.00 GBP
The Martyrdom of Saint Andrew
£878.00 GBP
Adoration of the Magi
£878.00 GBP
Ecce Homo
£878.00 GBP
Resurrection of the Lord
£878.00 GBP
The Virgin of the Rosary
£878.00 GBP
The Vision of Saint Francis of Paola
£878.00 GBP
Saint Peter in Tears
£878.00 GBP
The Raising of Lazarus
£878.00 GBP
Belshazzar's Feast
£878.00 GBP
The Tower of Babel, Brueghel
£329.00 GBP
Christ in the House of Martha and Mary
£329.00 GBP
Christ of the Coin. Anton Van Dyck
£329.00 GBP
The Return of the Prodigal Son
£878.00 GBP
Baptism of Christ
£873.00 GBP
Saint Andrew and Saint Francis
£329.00 GBP
The Crucified Christ
£221.00 GBP
Saints Anthony Abbot and Paul the Hermit
£329.00 GBP
Christ of Saint John of the Cross
£221.00 GBP
The Storm on the Sea of Galilee
£878.00 GBP
The Descent from the Cross
£878.00 GBP
The Madonna of the Village
£133.00 GBP
White Crucifixion
£221.00 GBP